1. 我们在收到绩效通知后,立刻从店铺中删除了违规产品,现在店铺上均无任何ASIN。
2. 针对亚马逊商品政策的培训:
1. 加强运营人员关于亚马逊商品政策法规的培训:
3.对于亚马逊商品政策对应的法律法规的学习与了解:我们深知在亚马逊网站上销售的商品必须遵守美国的法律法规,公司已于2022年10月20日聘请专业的法务团队,负责人为孙雷。孙雷 作为一名专业的律师,非常了解美国法律比如刑法,知识产权以及亚马逊相关政策。他每天都会美国法律的更新以及亚马逊政策更新。公司已安排从2022年11月开始,每个月的25日孙雷会根据美国本法律的更新所涉及到的亚马逊相关商品政策,给运营团队培训法律知识,培训内容包含而不限于亚马逊大学内的基本政策以及美国相关法律,结合对美国法律法规与亚马逊商品政策的学习,避免以后再再次违反了变体合规的政策。
Plan of action
1. Seller"s Name: ollypulse
2. Merchant token: A1XT2QXECEAUXQ
3. Date: 2019/11/7
4. Policy that was not compliant: Incorrect Variation Abuse
5. Problem you are facing/ Situation you are in: selling privilege has been removed
6. Steps taken to resolve and the results:
• Checked all variant listings and removed all incorrect variant
• Organized a training on the Amazon’s policy we violated
• Downloaded the inventory file form of the store product and learned the case template
7. Actions that will be taken to avoid such violation or similar issues in future: (Please see the next page for details).
• Set new rules: Each time we list a product on Amazon, we will have to review the related policy again
• Set new rules: Any new listings must be listed after both our sales manager and product specialist check all the contents
• Staff training on each Thursday to understand/comply with Amazon policies
• Our operations manager checks listings every week and tests amazon policies on employees every month
• Recruit an experienced store operation specialist and only he has the rights to list products on our account
8. Acknowledgement that seller will strictly follow variation rule of Amazon in future and prevent same mistake from happening.
Dear Amazon seller support,
We received a notification on November 7, 2019 that our selling privilege has been removed because of Variation Abuse and because we have not provide a valid plan of action addressing the listings. We immediately check the listings after received your warning on 2019/10/26, and email you about that. On 2019/11/1, we received your respond about that appeal has been transferred to the Seller Performance team for their review.
Incorrect Variation Abuse issues
1. Policy violation: Incorrect Variation Abuse B07VWNW6SX B07W2WPZMZ Issues which caused Incorrect Variation Abuse: B07VWNW6SX and B07W2WPZMZ are material variants, B07VWNW6SX is an aluminum table top, B07W2WPZMZ is a glass table top, but the B07VWNW6SX table can be opened and has a storage function so they are actually different products, but the operation is not aware of this problem when creating a variant relationship.
2. Policy violation: Incorrect Variation Abuse B07QLGJPQ3 Issues which caused Incorrect Variation Abuse: B07QLGJPQ3 is a corner chair and ottoman, and we use the material color variant, the other two are the corner and coffee table (brown), corner and coffee table (black brown). When creating the listing for them, we think their sizes are exactly the same, and only the material and color of the coffee table and the ottoman is different. But we have ignored that the B07QLGJPQ3 is totally a different type of item.
3. Policy violation: Incorrect Variation Abuse B07L8RT38Q B07L8SJTRY B07L8R86RD B07L8SWHCZ B07L8RX9T6 B07L8SBWHX B07FC1WCQ Issues which caused Incorrect Variation Abuse: The only difference among these products is the color and their size is same, so we should use color variation instead of the color-size variation. Besides, the B07L8RX9T6 and B07FC1WCQ are in similar green color, but because we can not find the right color, both choose green, which is incorrect.
4. Policy violation: Incorrect Variation Abuse B07K25WBZ4 B07K261XJY B07MTVG6DL Issues which caused Incorrect Variation Abuse: B07K261XJY 18QT silver; B07K25WBZ4 18 QT white; B07MTVG6DL 22 QT silver, so we thought we can use the colorsize variant. But it did violate Amazon’s policy because we added a 22 quart sized product under the parent ASIN B07TJGDX3K which was created for 18 quart.
Based on the above variant warnings, the reasons caused the issue
1. We are very sorry about our ignorance, we are lacking of the rules and policies when sell on amazon. 2. This is the second time that we receive the account deactivated warning about the variation abuse. After the first time, we have conducted training and continuous learning on the variant policy and other relevant policies of amazon, but we had a wrong understanding of the product when we created the variant 3. Our policy training is not enough, so everyone"s understanding of amazon policy is different
4. There are more than three people listing products and selling on this seller account, which increases the possibility of policy violation.
Immediate Actions we have taken
1. Our Account operation manager checked all our active listings one by one , any one which has violated the rules of Amazon has been removed, please kindly check the some details as follows :
ASIN Item Problem Action LISTING Difference
3 piece patio sofa with storage table
Incorrect variation-material Removed it
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B 07VWNW6SX?ref=myi_title_dp
Aluminum table top+ storage function
3 piece patio sofa with glass table
Incorrect variation-material Removed it
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B 07W2WPZMZ?ref=myi_title_dp
Galss table top + no storage function
Corner sofa & ottoman
Incorrect variationcolormaterial
Removed it
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B 07QLGJPQ3?ref=myi_title_dp
Corner & ottoman
White Night lights
Incorrect variationsizecolor
Removed it
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B 07L8RT38Q?ref=myi_title_dp
White color ; 2pcs
Pink Night lights
Incorrect variationsizecolor
Removed it
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B 07L8SJTRY?ref=myi_title_dp
Pink color; 2 pcs
Golden Night lights
Removed it
https://www.amazon.com/dp/ B07L8R86RD?ref=myi_title_dp
Golden color; 2 pcs
Yellow Night lights
Incorrect variationsizecolor
Removed it
https://www.amazon.com/dp/ B07L8SWHCZ?ref=myi_title_dp
Yellow color ;2 pcs
Green Night lights
Incorrect variationsizecolor
Removed it
https://www.amazon.com/dp/ B07L8RX9T6?ref=myi_title_dp
Green color; 2 pcs
Purple Night lights
Incorrect variationsizecolor
Removed it
https://www.amazon.com/dp/ B07L8SBWHX?ref=myi_title_dp
Purple color; 2 pcs
Green Night lights
Incorrect variationsizecolor
Removed it
We deleted the listing Green color; 2 pcs
We listed only 10 ASINs here , but we remove all incorrect variant relationships. And the following listings, after receiving your warning, were deleted right away.
ASIN Problem action LISTING
B07K25WBZ4 Incorrect variation deleted https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07K25WBZ4?ref=myi_title_dp
B07K261XJY Incorrect variation deleted https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07K261XJY?ref=myi_title_dp
B07MTVG6DL Incorrect variation deleted https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07MTVG6DL?ref=myi_title_dp
2. We just organized a training again on the can"s and can"t the sales manager sent us,especially emphasizing on the policy violation including What is a parent-child relationship & When to use a parent-child relationship.
3. We downloaded the inventory file form of the store product and learned the case template.
As a result, we are sure there is no incorrect variant relationships now.
The steps we have taken to prevent the misuse of variations happen again.
We learned from this time’s mistake and know that we are lacking of Amazon Policy knowledge, operator’s correct awareness and complete operation system.
1. Set a new rule: Each time we list a product on Amazon, we will have to review the related policies again and make sure the Parent/Child relationship is correct. And we must fully check if the catalog we choose supports variation or not; if it doesn’t support variation, we will upload these listings one by one; if a variation can be created in this category, we carefully verify that there is a variation relationship among the products.
2. Set a new rule: Before uploading a new listing on our store, both our sales manager and product specialist will check all the contents especially the true variations of the parent products to make sure the products are accurately described and it does comply with Amazon’s policy.
3. Our sales manager will check all our online listings each week to avoid any incorrect revision by accident and any listings violating Amazon’s policy will be removed right away. If there is any violation, we will give guidance and conduct assessment after one week. If there is any further mistake, we will dismiss the employee. Every month, we will assess the operation of amazon"s policy knowledge.If some of our employees are not qualified, we will timely change them in order to make sure that all our listings meet the requirements and policies on Amazon.
4. To ensure the variations policy and to enforce every team members’compliance with Amazon policies, we have organized a regular staff training on each Thursday. In the first couple weeks, we arranged several training classes to introduce what issues we have met and how can we fix/avoid such problems happened again. In the following weeks, we set some further introduction and explanation on Amazon policies, and set some exams to make sure everyone understand the policy exactly. If any staff fails to pass the test, he/she will not be able to take any actions on Amazon operation.
5. We have recruited an experienced store operation specialist who is familiar with all Amazon’s policies. He is responsible for all the operations of our seller account including creating ASINs. And only he has the right to do it. He would summarize all of amazon"s policies into one book.As the business grows, he will develop his own team of operational members, each of whom on the job and new members must learn and pass the test.In addition, we will continue to focus on the platform"s new policy.
We keep account in a healthy status, from the beginning.
Seller Central shows our seller feedback is 100% customer satisfied. And our order defect rate is 0.16%, negative feedback is 0%, late shipment rate is 1.94%. Our account also shows health in Customer Service Performance, Product Policy Compliance and Shipping Performance. In the maintenance of account health, we have been maintaining healthy performance since we opened our store in 2016
And the below is our operation plan if we have opportunity to continually grow with Amazon in the future:
1. We would expand product line and launch more high quality new products on Amazon. We want to launch new products in a stable speed, then customers can continually get new choices.
2. We would strengthen the construction of employee and enhance core competitiveness of all the company staffs. We will recruit new superior staffs because of the continually new products adding. Strive to develop our operations team into excellent and efficient, active learning and implementation of the Amazon rules
3. We participated in the service of amazon brand display advertising this year, and patiorama brand has a great improvement in sales. We also readjust the brand"s quality and profit, and strive to increase investment in brand display advertising in 2020, so as to make a new breakthrough in sales and improve brand awareness.
4. We are the seller of FBA and FBM. In 2019, we also participated in the Seller Fulfilled Prime project of amazon. We are also improving our overseas warehouse resources, improving delivery time, improving service quality, and striving to give amazon buyers a pleasant shopping experience.
5. In 2016, 2017 and 2018, we are good at bringing the resources of existing suppliers to amazon"s platform for sales. However, after three years of study, we are now committed to developing brands. Patiorama and sunvivi outdoor are our two main brands, one is devoted to outdoor and the other is devoted to indoor appliances.This year, we focus on the improvement of quality, the control of profits, the specialization of brand pages, and bring high-quality and inexpensive products for amazon customers.