We have required the factory to scan 100% of product barcodes against the production order and product detail page before production to ensure the correct items are produced and labeled accurately as described.
Before shipment, our QC inspectors will fully re-inspect all items in the shipment against the production order and product detail page to double check all product labels, barcodes, and items match. Any inconsistencies will require the factory to re-work and re-pack the entire shipment to ensure 100% accuracy before release for delivery.
These enhanced inspection steps will prevent incorrect or improperly labeled items from being shipped to customers. Please advise if any further improvements to our QC processes are needed. We take full responsibility for this issue and are committed to providing high-quality products that fully match the details on our product detail pages.
We have implemented a double-check mechanism where QC inspectors will open and physically inspect random boxes before shipment to verify inner and outer barcodes/labels match.
The first inspector will